Welcome to Birder Gifts, your source for funny and original t-shirts and gifts for birders and bird lovers. Here you'll find t-shirts for birdwatchers, funny birder bumper stickers for your birdmobile, original bird photography gifts, fine art reproductions by classic artists like John James Audubon, and much more. Thanks for stopping by.

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Without Birding One Weak Funny Birdwatcher T-Shirt

We all know that seven days make a week. But what does seven days without birding make a birder? Weak, that's what!

Old Digiscopers Never Die Funny Coffee Mug

Along with the boom in birdwatching in 2020, the sometimes accompanying hobby of digiscoping also saw new enthusiasts join in during our pandemic year. Digiscoping is the use of a spotting scope along with a digital photographic device (camera or smartphone) to take pictures.  This funny text was made...

Trust Me, I’m a Birder: The Perfect Hat for Birding Enthusiasts

If you’re a birdwatcher looking for a fun way to show off your passion for feathered friends, our Trust Me, I'm a Birder hat is a must-have accessory. With its bold yet lighthearted statement, this trucker hat is both a conversation starter and a stylish addition to...

Funny Bin There Done That Pun With Binoculars

This fun design is a nod to the adventurous spirit of birdwatchers and birders alike: our Bin There Done That t-shirt. This clever play on the familiar phrase "Been There, Done That" incorporates an essential tool of the trade—a pair of binoculars—into its witty slogan, perfectly capturing...

Celebrate Your Birding Milestone with a Custom Life List Shirt

For avid birders, every new bird added to the life list is a moment of joy and accomplishment. But reaching a major milestone, like your 1000th species, is something truly extraordinary. This custom-designed t-shirt celebrates that achievement with style, elegance, and a touch of personalization, making...

Funny Patch Birding Insanity Hip Flask

Patch birding truly is one of the most rewarding ways to enjoy birdwatching. By repeatedly studying birds in a single location, you can gain incredible insight into trends, behaviors, and the seasonal movements of different species. It’s a way to build a connection with your environment and notice...

Featured Birdwatcher Designs

World's Okayest Birder
World's Okayest Birder - How would you rate your own birding skills? If you've been a birder for a while, you might actually be very, very good. But how good is very, very good, really? You enjoy yourself (a famous...
Without Birding One Weak
Without Birding One Weak - This fun text design for birders and birdwatchers reads "7 DAYS WITHOUT BIRDING MAKES ONE WEAK". Everyone knows, the longer you go without birding, the weaker you get. Birder logic. This makes a fun gift idea...
Keep Calm and Carry Bins
Keep Calm and Carry Bins - This fun design for birders is inspired by the British wartime morale-boosting propaganda "Keep Calm and Carry On" poster. Here the text reads "Keep Calm and Carry Bins," something that birders should do at all times,...
Peregrines Like It Fast
Peregrines Like It Fast - Peregrine Falcons are the fastest animal on earth. So this original design that reads "Peregrines Like It Fast" isn't so much cheeky as it is ABSOLUTELY TRUE. A silhouette of a Peregrine Falcon in a high-speed...
Major League Birder
Major League Birder - Are you a birder of major league status? Then this fun spoof design, inspired by major league sports, was made just for you! A birder stands in silhouette on a blue and red background. The message...
I'm With The Banders
I'm With The Banders - What's cooler than being with the band? Being with the banders! This fun graphic design has a stylized illustration of a banding pliers tool along with a cool slogan for bird bander groupies (or dedicated banding...
Gothic Birder Shield
Gothic Birder Shield - This gothic-style shield design is done in muted shades of blue. Text reads "birder" -- a tree full of birds grows from the letter D. This embellished design makes a stylish and trendy gift idea for...
Evolution: Birder
Evolution: Birder - This graphic design shows the progress of humanoids from apes through to homo sapien, and finally, in its finest form, birder. This fun silhouette design makes a great gift for any birder!...
Singer With A Band
Singer With A Band - This clever design for bird banders features an unidentified bird, probably in the corvid family, having fun with a play on words. The avian rascal says "I'm a Singer with a Band." Sure enough, Wings McFlysalot...
Peace Love Bird
Peace Love Bird - This design features three basic icons sharing fundamental parts of a birder's life: Peace is represented by the peace symbol, Love is a black heart in a red circle, and Bird is the silhouette of a...
The Original Hummer
The Original Hummer - Hummer can have a few different meanings. One thing is certain -- the tiny yet mighty hummingbird predates any large mechanical monsters or modern-day pastimes. This design reads "The Original Hummer" in juicy red and green...
Audubon's Brown Pelican
Audubon's Brown Pelican - A beautiful Brown Pelican is featured in this reproduced art painting by John James Audubon. The bird was painted life-sized for Audubon's masterwork Birds of America. Here the adult bird in breeding plumage perches on a...
Anthophile - An anthophile is one that loves flowers, one that is attracted to flowers, or one that feeds on flowers. That sounds like a perfect description of our little winged jewels, hummingbirds. This simple black and white...
American Dippers Like It Wet
American Dippers Like It Wet - Hey now, you get your mind out of the gutter! American Dippers are birds that are well-known for their unique underwater foraging technique. This original design for birders and bird lovers reads "American Dippers Like It...
Birdaholic Definition
Birdaholic Definition - Use this handy birder design to help all of your non-birder friends understand your affliction. You are a bird-a-hol-ic (pronunciation also provided) - one obsessed with birds. You might also say you're obsessed by birds, but...