
Those Empidonax flycatchers can be so tricky. It's tough enough to keep their names straight, let alone their calls. *If* they call! We've got you covered on that first factor -- this fun text design lists those empid ID toughies to help you at "least" keep the names in mind. Now which one says "fitz-bew" again?

Those Pesky Empids! Fun Mnemonic Shirt Design

It may be the dead of winter now, but spring migration will be here before you know it. Get ready by learning your Empidonax flycatchers. You'll have to put time into learning their calls, because learning their field marks may prove useless in a lot of cases. And...

Empids! T-Shirt – Hear them sing, that's probably your only chance. What birder doesn't love to hear the song of an Empidonax flycatcher? The ones that don't sing are tyrants indeed. Funny birder gift idea.
Empids! Sweatshirt – Hear them sing, that's probably your only chance. What birder doesn't love to hear the song of an Empidonax flycatcher? The ones that don't sing are tyrants indeed. Funny birder gift idea.
Empids! Trucker Hat – Hear them sing, that's probably your only chance. What birder doesn't love to hear the song of an Empidonax flycatcher? The ones that don't sing are tyrants indeed. Funny birder gift idea.